Monday 31 January 2011

this weeks tool of the week...

Goes to the drum carder! I honestly don't use it as much as I would like, but here are some shots of me and the Girl creating wonders with it.
First pic shows the batts I carded earlier and then dyed. got ready to spin them and noticed I had dyed the stripes the wrong way.... so we tore them up(in order) and threw them back through, in a colour sandwich.
When we where done doing my batts, the Girl got to do her own, with the floof off the feed drum, and some extras from my stash. She has the hand of using the noisy beast now, but has aquired some battle scars along the way. We go with a "two hands on the handle" rule, and she still enjoys it.

The two pics above are the spun up singles, and finished yarn. I plyed my "recycled sari" with babylonglegs silk/merino top, one in petrolhead colourway, the other a custom dye.

The top was very smooth to spin, very fine. It tends towards what meghan, at stitch it!! would call "nose hair". You can compare this to the drum carded stuff, which has the same ratios of wool to silk, and they use the same wool(sorry, forgot to check what that is though...). The top is a worsted preparation, and the drum carder does semi-worsted. I think the additional neps and noils are due to my technique, but I think I fell in love with them, they remind me of recycled sari yarn, the silk holding the dye so vividly. Just think of what it would be like with a smidge of angelina...

I inherited the drum carder from the Mans dad, who was a spinner too. It was playing on his wheel for a week that helped me "get" how to spin. He mainly used it for preparing raw and scoured fleece, and managed to get some relatively smooth yarns out of it. maybe someday I will get there too. think I will be being more ruthless with the mini-batt and the obvious neps at that stage, instead of worrying about "wasting" the fleece.
To stay on theme, next week will probably be the Wheel....

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