Tuesday 5 August 2014

The first 6 weeks of Sox

The first 6 socks are complete!
So, perhaps the regularity if my posts leaves something to be desired, but my sock knitting does not (even if I do say so myself. Which I do).

These are all for myself, and the pattern developed a little over time. I ended up lengthening the patternless heel section, and the height of the cuff.

I used superwash and acrylic/wool mix remnants for the harder working sections of sock, and got to use some odd balls of Babylongleg's yarns for the rest. This is in the hopes of reducing darning, whilst still getting some prettiness on my feet :)

The next chapter of sock-a-week will be The Boys!

Thursday 10 July 2014


It has been a while, hello again world! 
I lost the blog for 8 months, due to my own busy life, and lack of technical know-how, but we are back on-line again now, phew.

It has turned into a summer of socks for me. I was just making one, itty bitty pair for myself, just to use up an odd ball of yarn, but that has now turned into a sock-a-week challenge. I will probably only need to create 9 pairs for my family for this winter, but that is still 18 weeks of sock knitting. Think my basic pattern will be thoroughly proof-read and play-tested by mid-winter....