Sunday 21 March 2010

time stood still. i wish...

Yeah... so started a blog, then killed the PC. Took 3 months to get back up and running, but we are there, minus ALL our software. I still have the sims2 saves though, the photos and music. just a lot of work, which I don't generally have with the two kids.
So anyhoo, back in the present and will hopefully be posting better and more fully, like, with pics 'n' stuff.
It left a lot of time for real life, having no PC. I got to see my partner, I got to knit. I redescovered "Books", and stayed up all night reading Twilight, by Stephanie Meyer. that is something i do not recommend. the book is great, not too yikky and romantic, or endless details of what hair-do and clothes the main character happened to spend all morning deciding on like SOME teen novels, but light-hearted enough for me not to have bad dreams. probably because I was sleep deprived really.
I will not be watching the movies though. I am one of those souls that can't abide a good book being ripped to shreds on screen. and it would mess with the whole "hot vampire" pic I have got going on in my head, too...
It is quite interesting(to me at least, and perhaps some of you), as a teenager I was heavily against age-related prohibitions, (as a concept, not just because I was on the wrong side of it!), but as a parent and spending more time around young teens too I am more aware of the subtleties of limitation to stimulation that young people experience. Not age restrictive, but maturity and ability restrictive, and just how careful these limitations need to be put across. I wish I had more guidance in my stimuli as a young/pre-teen, as I have a suspicion I would have a lot less "stuff" now, in terms of relationship expectations, if I had been kept away from teen novels and chick-flicks!
Anyway, that delve into deep and meaningful land brings me back to Twilight. doesn't seem that bad, would let my little sister read it.