Monday 12 July 2010

Simon the Dinosaur, from lets knit! magazine, a birthday present and stash-busting project. The Man almost died when he saw these photos of the little monster IN the PC! this is how we keep the PC from overheating, rather than install more fans, but little creatures in it where not the plan..

all the knitting in the house go YEAH!

Not that I have actually finished anything recently(other than Simon the dinosaur..), but having just been down in Kent visiting the Mans family and only taking ONE knitting project, I hammered away at it, while I wasn't reading. Sherbet is 3/4 done down the body, but now I'm home I most likely won't do the boring knitting, I'll find a new project.

I tell a lie, I have recently finished the Girls cardi, Sorbet. The beast that broke my needles only had mild misadventures from that point, due to running out of the yarn I was trying to use up, albeit a little early... so she has a funky cardi, and the Boy has an Owls sweater on the way(which will get its own post!)

While I was away I redescovered the Laura Ingalls Wilder books, as the Mans sister owns nearly every related book. I tried reading Little house in the big woods to the Boy, but frankly, he wasn't interested. Unfortunately I was, and have managed the first three in five days! I will have to order the rest from the library, I expect...