Tuesday 10 April 2012

To work or not to work, that is the question.

So the new year brought in some changes for us, including my decision not to work so hard. It had got to the point I either had to put a LOT more time in to make a difference, or step back for a bit and let things evolve.
So they are evolving. Kids are happier to have more of me, especially the Boy, who finds it hard already to be clear about his feelings. I don't have any more pattern commissions in the works, and time slips by whilst I fail to do my own editing and writing, and go mildly crazy with lego building, laundry and the same book over and over and over and over.......

I am finding time to knit for pleasure though. Arboroath abbey by Annie Modesitt is a coolio pattern that goes from 7yrs to adult, and although a poorly edited magazine pattern, her design and little touches that have survived are all little "aha!" moments. Just make sure you really UNDERSTAND cabling, and can read your knitting, not just the chart.

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